Craig Whitmore is an 21-year public school teacher living in Bakersfield, CA. He teaches 7th grade life science and elective classes on computer programming and mythology. He was recognized as Technology Teacher of the Year for the Kern County CUE group in 2011/12. With his wife, Tara (who teaches high school online), he teaches and leads worship for their childrens' Sunday school. Craig earned a BS in Biology, his CA Clear Teaching Credential, and a Masters in Education (Curriculum & Instruction/Technology) all from CSU Bakersfield.
The content of these books has been presented at the following conferences:
Teaching Basic / Scratch:
......CSIT (Computer Science and Information Technology)
......TechED (Technology in Education)
......KernCUE (Computer Using Educators)
......CUE (annual 2013 conference)
Science Labs:
......CSTA (California Science Teachers Association)
......GCSN (Gold Coast Science Network)
You can contact Craig at
[email protected]