Michael Banner had a very bad gambling addiction and he owed his family and friends, but not nearly as much as he owed Rollo Bigelow, the loan-shark that he borrowed money from, to pay off a large gambling debt. When Michael couldn’t pay, Rollo’s men took Michael into the desert, beat him up, and then left him for dead. When he awoke, he felt that he was in a climate-controlled place and lying on a comfortable bed. as he tried to sit up, he a bald-headed man entering the small room. He spoke in a strange language and was dressed in sandals and a toga. Michael learned that his savior was the leader of a nomadic alien race who fled their home world and were looking for a new world to make their home. Tyver informed Michael that there were over 4,000 men, women, and children. He told Tyver of the fears and resentment of the human race towards the unknown; especially of extraterrestrials. Michael recommended that they acquire large sums of cash to purchase land so they visit Los Vegas.
- Publication Date
- Mar 15, 2019
- Language
- English
- 9780359513185
- Category
- Fiction
- Copyright
- All Rights Reserved - Standard Copyright License
- Contributors
- By (author): Don Edmundson
- Format