There is more to Your Life than meets Your Eyes! When you look in a mirror what you see is Your Physical Body and what you do not See is the 4 other bodies you have, and Your RealAwareniss. The Physical Body is the Five Senses, the Astral Body is Your Emotions and the Causal Body is Your Memory, the Mental Body is Your Mind, and the Etheric Body is Your Subconscious and Intuition. These are the Five PsycBodies and they are like vehicles, just like your car. YU, The RealU, is The RealAwareniss that is operating these Five Bodies. Because YU are in these Five Bodies, YU have forgotten where YU really came from. You have heard a lot of 'Funny Stories' since YU got here this lifetime and some of them YU do 'Believe' but then there is a part of YU that is not sure. It is always your choice what You want to 'Believe' or would You rather have Real Experiences that definitely show YU What IS Real Now? LifeIS Bigger than You and Life will show YU What IS Real if YU let IT. www.DuaneTheGreatWriter.info
- Publication Date
- Nov 28, 2014
- Language
- English
- 9781312714250
- Category
- Education & Language
- Copyright
- All Rights Reserved - Standard Copyright License
- Contributors
- Pages
- 139
- Binding Type
- Paperback Perfect Bound
- Interior Color
- Black & White
- Dimensions
- US Trade (6 x 9 in / 152 x 229 mm)