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My son in the future this world may show you all kinds of beauty but in that beauty you are covered with many filths but do not despair because every good behind it has a veil of evil, and not every beauty you love in front of you then you will please everyone around you, there is a time you will have to carry it with evil to make the wheel of life rotate smoothly. Please tell, whats the story of them big puppets, we did all sorts of work to get the hand going but it was hard to get our salary. There was a time when we tried to claim our wages we were made a story of theft but we left it all to the gods, we raised chickens in the village and went to sell them in the city for Tshs. 7000 and return with a kilo of beef worth Tsh. 6000 personally I did not know my parents were aiming to change the taste of meat in the mouth or we were a little aware of going to the city and looking for 1000 thousand shillings by walking a distance of more than 40 km in less than eight hours. But the biggest one was where I went fishing for the family for two days and sold them for 500 shillings to watch a video at a nearby house. Surely this was more than ridiculous. My son, when God makes you grow in stature and intellect then always ask God to give you wisdom and knowledge. Wisdom makes you wise in your search by building discipline of what you are looking for and those who make you find your need. But also Knowledge will open you up to creative ideas in conducting research activities always do not believe in luck but live believing in the search that accompanies consistent plans. When you combine knowledge and wisdom you can be creative, discerning and understanding at every step of your search but wisdom and knowledge make them part of the key to your life. I, your parent, have not studied the professor of Wisdom of knowledge but believe in the philosophy of heresy and knowledge. Also, if you have the opportunity, you can recall the history of a young man in the shoemaker's book and see how wisdom can stand in your success.


Publication Date
Mar 12, 2022
Parenting & Families
All Rights Reserved - Standard Copyright License
Original author: FREDRICK NYEMA



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