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Scripture Workbook, Third Edition

Scripture Workbook, Third Edition

For Personal and Group Bible Study and Teaching the Bible

ByGary F. Zeolla

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This book contains forty “Scripture Studies.” Each study focuses on one general area of study. These studies enable individuals or groups to do in-depth, topical studies of the Bible. They are also invaluable to the Bible study teacher in preparing lessons and for Christians wanting to better understand the Christian faith and to be prepared to defend it before an unbelieving world (1Peter 3:15; 2Peter 3:17f). Many changes have been made for this Third Edition of this book. But the total number of Studies of forty has remains the same as the Second Edition. Also retained is the format of this book being divided into two “volumes.” Volume I covers the essential doctrines of the Christian faith (Jude 1:3). It is these doctrines that separate the true Christian faith from cultic and other deviations. Volume II of this book then covers controversial theologies, cultic doctrines, and ethics (Matt 28:18-20; Acts 20:26f). The doctrinal and ethical teachings of the Bible as presented in this book encompass an overall way of viewing the world that differs greatly from the prevailing secular worldview. It is hoped this book will enable the reader to not only understand this Biblical worldview but also why it is true and thus to come to trust in it, and then to be prepared to defend this Biblical worldview before an unbelieving world (Luke 24:27,45; Acts 14:14-18; 17:22-31).


Publication Date
Nov 7, 2023
Religion & Spirituality
All Rights Reserved - Standard Copyright License
By (author): Gary F. Zeolla


Binding Type
Hardcover Case Wrap
Interior Color
Black & White
US Trade (6 x 9 in / 152 x 229 mm)

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