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TISc TOTAL INTEGRAL SCIENCE Foundational Introduction

TISc TOTAL INTEGRAL SCIENCE Foundational Introduction

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This book is A BRIEF FOUNDATIONAL INTRODUCTION for "TOTAL INTEGRAL SCIENCE Create-Design-Construct SERIES" for WORLD SCIENCE PINNACLE and WORLD GENERAL AND HIGHER EDUCATION SUMMA PLATFORM: EVERYONE, EVERY STUDENT, EVERY EDUCATOR, EVERY PROFESSIONAL CAN CREATE AND HAVE HER/HIS OWN TOTAL INTEGRAL SCIENCE (TISc) TO PRODUCE EVERYTHING - The Thousands-of-Year Existing Knowledges and Sciences are: multi-separated, multi-fragmented, reduced into other fragmented partialistic sciences/philosophies/“-ism” (e.g. physicalism, biologicalism, empiricism, utilitarianism, pragmatism, rationalism, technologicalism, spiritualism, quantitativism, artificialism, virtualism, automaticalism, financialism, economicalism, departementalism, systematicalism. The effects of The Thousands-of-Year multi-separated knowledges and sciences are: human lack of total integral truth; fragmentation and alienation of human, mind, personality, life, activity, relation, power, family, society, humanity; multidimensional diseases (spiritual, mental, biophysical, social, systematic, cultural, and moral diseases); incompleteness, inaccuracy, and unreliability of products, services, and of scientific vision, work, and system; accidents, disasters (e.g. ecological disasters), "SUSTAINABLE" MULTIDIMENSIONAL LIFE PROBLEMS. This multi-fragmented situation, inside and outside human, is absolutely not adequate, not appropriate, not right, not good, and not worth for human life. This scattered situation can be wholly overcome by the new dawn of TOTAL INTEGRAL SCIENCE and ITS TOTAL INTEGRAL PLATFORM-STANDARD-SYSTEM for Humanity Living in the world in all aspects, including Politics, Business, Education, Industry, Knowledge, Science, Engineering, Technology, Culture, Aesthetics, Health, Curing, Medicine, Security, Defense, Ecology, Environment, System, Intelligence, Automation, Communication, Civilization; Development, Transformation, Sustainability, Construction; Reconstruction, Problems Solution, Needs Fulfillment, Challenges Overcoming; Futuristics; Ultimate Human Transformation and Attainment. The 21st century forward will be characterized by Creating SCATTERED FRAGMENTED PARTIALISTIC New Knowledges, Sciences, Artificial Intelligences with new dynamic multidimensional challenges and opportunities, which need TOTAL-INTEGRALLY Solid-Valid Intelligence. TOTAL INTEGRAL SCIENCE is THE SOURCE and "FACTORY" of TOTAL INTEGRAL SYNTHETIC INTELLIGENCE.


Publication Date
Apr 15, 2024
Education & Language
All Rights Reserved - Standard Copyright License
By (author): HARGIANTO


Binding Type
Hardcover Case Wrap
Interior Color
Black & White
US Trade (6 x 9 in / 152 x 229 mm)

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