"Spiders Without Webs" is a Psychological Crime Fiction Novel. The
setting occurs mainly in South Philadelphia. The characters vary from felons
who reside in a halfway house after recently being paroled from the
penitentiary, as well as a Parole Officer whose unorthodox ways of dealing
with his clients causes conflict within the world of the justice system.
Perhaps the most interesting character is a psychiatrist who is employed by
the state to oversee the mental health of those incarcerated, and who has a
unique remedy to cure the various disorders of those who have been convicted
of crimes. However, the unethical practices of the doctor and his group of
colleagues, in their quest for fame and fortune, cause devastation to not
only their patients, but to the innocent who come into contact with them.
- Publication Date
- May 31, 2018
- Language
- English
- 9781387836024
- Category
- Fiction
- Copyright
- All Rights Reserved - Standard Copyright License
- Contributors
- By (author): Joe Lattera
- Format