Ignoring the complexity of what constitutes violence is where the (non)violent thought and praxis represented by white, liberal Christians in the United States falls short. In this book, twelve scholar-activist interviewees share perspectives and effective practices that destabilize traditional rationalizations of violence, including those from the institutions and practices of a dominant Christian theology.
The author calls on communities committed to (non)violence to invest in a model for social change which
1) roots itself in contextual, historical analysis;
2) includes other-than-human lives as necessary partners;
3) values practices that dismantle violence over theological abstractions;
4) emphasizes creative communities of active, counter-cultural resistance over individualism;
5) experiments with diverse, disruptive tactics; and
6) urges a self-critical solidarity that welcomes differences regarding various means of social change.
The Interviewees are
Rita “Bo” Brown (B♀)
Ward Churchill
John Dear
Vincent Harding
Dolores Huerta
Derrick Jensen
Kathy Kelly
Alice Lynd
Staughton Lynd
Katherine Power
Sarah Schulman
Akinyele Umoja
- Publication Date
- Nov 26, 2020
- Language
- English
- 9780991100590
- Category
- Religion & Spirituality
- Copyright
- All Rights Reserved - Standard Copyright License
- Contributors
- By (author): Julie Marie Todd
- Format
violencenonviolencedirect violencestructural violencecultural violencesocial changecounter-cultural resistancesocial transformationpeace and justicepractical theologysolidaritysocial locationliberation theologyChristian praxisRita BrownWard ChurchillJohn DearVincent HardingDolores HuertaDerrick JensenKathy KellyAlice LyndStaughton LyndKatherine PowerSarah SchulmanAkinyele Umojaorganizingundoing dominance