Stricken with a debilitating illness, Khaidji, (pronounced Kay gee, or simply KG) was inspired to write acrostic poetry, an unusual structure and even more unique, they are all rhythmic rhymes. Born and live in Barbados, this Barbadian, or the accepted descriptive, this Bajan, is perhaps the most prolific of acrostic poets across the globe, amassing over 7000 such poems, many compiled into over 20 books, the most recent being This Today Lord I Pray, a devotional compilation of 366 poems.
Khaidji has written in diverse categories including events in our day-to-day News, Religious, Romance, Philosophical, Biographic, and has commented through poetry on local Talk Shows, the Blogosphere, Social Media. This incredible crafting of phrases into acrostics has extracted each line of the Barbados National Anthem and expanded them into beautiful poems of the Island, all once professional recorded and played during celebration in the country. The lines of the School Song were similarly extracted and morphed into incredible inspirations of the Spirit of Combermere, Khaidji's alma mater in the book Up Then.
Even if you are not a typical lover of reading, you are still very likely to find something to please you. If on the other hand you love reading, then you will find yourself propelled to a realm of absolute delight in some very awesome literary devices. Enjoy!