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UFO and Bible

UFO and Bible

ByM. K. Jessup

This book is an authentic reproduction of the original printed text in shades of gray and may contain minor errors. Despite the fact that we have attempted to accurately maintain the integrity of the original work, the present reproduction may have minor errors beyond our control like: missing and blurred pages, poor pictures and markings. Because this book is culturally important, we have made available as part of our commitment to protect, preserve and promote knowledge in the world. This title was originally published in 1956. Copy and paste the link for our books: TABLE OF CONTENTS: The Age of Belief The Age of Adventure The Age of Reason The Age of Enlightment The Age of Ideology The Age of Analysis Something New Must Be Added The UFO A New School of Thoughts The Hidden Books The Divine Comunication The Ascension Hints From Prophets Moses and Charles Fort The Bible The Gospel According to Saint Mark Heavenly Intervention Son of Man-UFO M. K. Jessup was the first of the UFO conspiracy theorists to point to a number of verses in the Holy Bible which they claim may be speaking of UFOs or aliens. If the reader look at what’s actually in the Bible with an open mind, he can find dozens of UFO accounts.Do the ancient writings of the Bible and other texts provide proof of their existence? This and many other questions are answered in the original version of Dr. Morris K. Jessup's "UFO and Bible!" Copy and paste the link for our books:


Publication Date
Jun 8, 2020
Religion & Spirituality
All Rights Reserved - Standard Copyright License
By (author): M. K. Jessup



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