Some 30 years ago, when there were changes in every sphere of life, economic and political changes, a small family was struggling to cope with in and come out of the doldrums of hardships. It was the month of August in the year 1984; the general condition was of recession and earning was difficult. Sustenance of family required herculean task of balancing the earning and spending. The lady of the house, Nalam, was up to the task and took the onerous task of balancing. The Brown family was expecting a new guest to arrive in this world. The family is happy to welcome new guest but the prevailing economic condition of house was something, which had reduced the enthusiasm and zeal of the family members. After some hours of painful moment of labor-pain the new baby got born and the family enjoyed a moment for which they were waiting for some years. The boy is born in a house of many boys and a lone girl. The family was a typical middle class; father being the lone earning member of the family.
- Publication Date
- Feb 25, 2014
- Language
- English
- 9781304673824
- Category
- Children's
- Copyright
- All Rights Reserved - Standard Copyright License
- Contributors
- By (author): Mark Brown
- Format