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The American Dream

ByNicholas Grubbs

Summer break may be over and a new year may be starting at Arlington City High, but simmering tensions between the students are about to reach a boiling point as the annual Student Council elections draw near. In the wake of a ruined clandestine relationship, a scandal that rocked the school's most popular students, and a girl's suicide that shaped the lives of everyone around her, this new year is shaping up to be even more traumatic than the one before. Still reeling over the events of the previous year, Bethany Hill wants to see the school turn to ashes. In the meantime, she will stop at nothing to get her girlfriend, Lauren Bradshaw, crowned queen. Lauren's own reservations about the job be damned, Beth will make her President or die trying. Head Cheerleader Ashley Williams is out for blood after Beth stole Lauren, her secret ex-girlfriend, and puts forward her new boyfriend and star quarterback, Spencer Barnett, as Lauren's main competition. A true power couple, they stand to run the school unopposed if Spencer decides to take on yet another role as the "most popular guy in school," a role he grows to hate more and more with each passing day. And then there's poor Katherine Duvall, a sweet naïve girl who just wants to make the world around her a better place for people outside of the top one percent. How is she supposed to run for office one day if she can barely give a book report in front of the class without wanting to throw up? Unfortunately, Katherine can barely get her foot in the door before the Powers That Be force Tracy Summers, one of the sitting Class Representatives that is very much not apart of the "in-crowd," to befriend Katherine and sabotage her campaign from the inside in exchange for their friendship and a better spot on the Student Council. Knowing she will never get into Harvard if she doesn't get a stronger application, she begrudgingly accepts. Lies, cheating, and manipulation are the name of the game and only one person can win. In this first entry of the MACBETHANY series, we will see just how far people will go to help the ones they love and just how far they will go to help themselves.


Publication Date
Jun 5, 2023
Young Adult
All Rights Reserved - Standard Copyright License
By (author): Nicholas Grubbs



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