I was a Seafarer for 15 years,.I am married and having two daughters, all the loved ones left in Sri Lanka.I am a free lance writer.
POSTSCRIPT; November 01,2005 @ 2305 Hrs.local time, I have already enrolled to the grandfather's list.My second daughter Thilini who delivered her first child, a baby son my maiden grandson and I heard his name is Siluna.Randiv.(One day when you start reciting the poem 'I am a little tea-pot' in the class [your mother's favourite], you may read my poems too) .First of all I must indebted to PoemHunter.com for opening the gates to this global stage of poets. Finally, I must thank them all, my beloved wife Manel, daughters Tharindu & Thilini, son-in-laws Kelum & Chinthaka, my loving brother Lalith who taught me to read & write and lot of things about the fading life.All the loved ones supply me ingredients to enrich this life's bitter-cake.
Nimal Dunuhinga
98,Wilson Drive
[email protected]