"Melody Can't Sing" is a heartwarming children's story that follows the journey of a young girl named Melody who dreams of joining the choir but struggles with singing. Despite her initial setbacks, Melody's life takes an unexpected turn when she stumbles upon an old piano hidden in the forest. Through diligent practice and determination, Melody discovers her innate talent for playing the piano, unleashing a cascade of beautiful melodies that captivate all who hear them. As Melody's musical prowess grows, she learns valuable lessons about perseverance, self-discovery, and the power of embracing one's unique gifts. With its enchanting narrative and uplifting message, "Melody Can't Sing" inspires children to believe in themselves and the magic of following their passions.
- Publication Date
- Mar 4, 2024
- Language
- English
- 9781304570710
- Category
- Children's
- Copyright
- Some Rights Reserved - Creative Commons (CC BY)
- Contributors
- By (author): Patricia Ann Maglaya
- Format