What if you could describe the near and distant past, explain the ever evolving present, and predict the near and distant future? Not each specific choice or action taken, now being elected, or to be taken, but the cyclic trends in the dates and rates of the diffusion of human innovation and solar system, planetary, and climatic change. Well the ancient Maya could and my completed 532 page non-fiction book ‘CHANGE DESCRIBED-EXPLAINED-PREDICTED’ validates that fact. Then, the book explains how they did it – but doesn’t stop there. The book also defines things the Maya couldn’t possibly know. Things only modern science could uncover. Big things like the Galactic force that drives the cyclic rhythms of change the Maya were measuring and mimicking. Subtle things like how that force gets into our brains to define our autonomic self and influence our behavior. Worrisome things, like the scientific basis for the Maya prediction of the “end of space and time” on Friday December 21, 2012.
- Publication Date
- Sep 29, 2011
- Language
- English
- Category
- Science & Medicine
- Copyright
- All Rights Reserved - Standard Copyright License
- Contributors
- By (author): Paul Drewfs
- Format