In this monograph, the connections between world capital accumulation, racism and
the struggle for self-determination are reviewed. The central proposition advanced here,
is that just as the medieval crusades provided a great spur to the expansion of the
agrarian surplus product, commodity production, trade and primitive capital accumulation and ultimately the wars of conquest and exploitation waged by Europe against the non-christian world, so the present stage of globalisation is accompanied by wars of re-conquest and re-colonisation, the modern crusade. Furthermore, just as the medieval
crusades provided the ideological impetus for western wars of conquest that was to develop into what became racism, so the new orthodoxy, neo-liberal economic orthodoxy, provides the rationalisation of the latest transformation and intensification of racism.
- Publication Date
- Jul 15, 2011
- Language
- English
- Category
- History
- Copyright
- All Rights Reserved - Standard Copyright License
- Contributors
- By (author): Penman2011
- Format