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10 Commandments of Successful Sales

10 Commandments of Successful Sales

10 PROVEN techniques to successfully sell at levels higher than you ever imagined possible - in ANY AREA!

ByRahul Mookerjee

In the winter of 2007, I joined a small startup company as a sales manager-cum-“senior person”. The company was a rank startup. They had literally three people working there including myself, and the other two were the HR and operations managers.The parents company a fairly successful BPO company, and they had been in business for about 8 years. They were looking to expand into web development, and they didn’t have a clue as to how to get clients, despite having a VERY successful sales manager at the helm in terms of BPO operations. He had been there since the company’s inception and probably still IS working there.Despite a lot of clients literally “coming to their doorstep”. They did a pretty good job at BPO, and a lot of those clients wanted websites built, so naturally, this company was the one they’d contact.Now, you’d think it would be child’s play to “convert” those “leads”, right?In fact, any sales person would tell you they’re basically the human version of “sitting ducks” in terms of sales. And all this was BEFORE the financial crisis of 2008, mind you. Folks were happy to spend money on things that did not have a 100% guarantee in terms of success.So it stands to reason that this sales manager should have literally converted those leads as easily as saying “voila”, especially considering some of the clients were actually ASKING him, get this, ASKING him to build sites for them.But that was not the case.He couldn’t close those leads despite months and months of follow ups, phone calls, what have you. And so after an initial interview, they hired me.And within the space of TWO weeks, I got the first client. Small fry to be honest, I think the total order was about 1000 USD, but remember this company was in India. Calculate costs etc accordingly.Within the space of SIX months, this company had expanded to 40 plus employees, and was making between 25000-30000 USD a month. I left the company at that point (which in itself is another story, and one I’ll touch upon later), but those are the results.And if you're part of the "gang" that believes it was a "fluke" or that I "just connected" - well - I have this to say to you - THINK AGAIN, my friend. It was NOT coincidence - there is no such beast as coincidence in life. It's called doing what is normally NOT done - and literally "thinking your way to RIP-ROARING sales with minimal effort". It’s information that can be gleaned only from having BEEN IN THE TRENCHES. And I’ve been there, my friend. Oh yes!


Publication Date
Jul 21, 2020
Business & Economics
All Rights Reserved - Standard Copyright License
By (author): Rahul Mookerjee



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