The Grasshopper is a novel chess opening that will transform your game. If you are an intermediate or advanced chess player looking to expand your repertoire, this book is for you.
The Grasshopper approach to chess is highly positional and focuses on keeping all the pieces on the board for tactical battles. It's similar to yet at the same time notably different from renowned openings such as the Queen’s Gambit, Slav Defense, Grünfeld, and London System.
The book proves the soundness of the opening by showing examples from grandmaster and professional-level games, testing it against computer engines, and demonstrating new ways to gain exciting positions. In separate sections, the author walks readers through the key ideas from the opening to the middlegame and endgame.
- Publication Date
- Jul 29, 2022
- Language
- English
- 9781471609190
- Category
- Games
- Copyright
- All Rights Reserved - Standard Copyright License
- Contributors
- By (author): Ralph Zoontjens
- Format
chessboard gamesmindcarlsenkasparovfischeropeninggrasshopperthinkingtrainingintelligencemanualmemoryschachajedrezschakenprodigybrilliancegeniusexercisestudytheoryguidetutorialstockfishsportsrecreationactivityplayfuncheckmatebattlepawnbishopknightqueenkingenginejudit polgarcapablancakarpovtacticsstrategypositionallearningcoursewarenoveltysystempawn structuresintelligent