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Amputee Love

Amputee Love

ByRich and Rene Jensen

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Amputee Love came out in 1970. This is the new 2022 edition. Written by Rene Jenson, drawn By Rich Jenson, cover by Brent Boates. This underground comic, about a female amputee and her lovers is featured in Paul Gravett’s book The Leather Nun and other incredibly strange comics and was displayed as part of Comica 2008 in the concourse gallery at the ICA in London. It is hard to get hold of, but a friend, who deals in rare books and maps tracked one down and delivered it to me in a plain brown envelope! This little comic raises so many issues I hardly dare say anything about it for fear of committing some grievous faux pas and getting shouted at by disability activists or feminists. However, although I’m not that well read in the relevant social theory espoused by either of those schools, I am broadly liberal and pro-equality, so if I say something crass please forgive me. In some ways refreshing, in others intriguing and strange, and published in the pre-Aids era, this comic is at times a little hard to relate to, portraying a world different in several ways to our post millennial, postmodern one. This is a hardcore comic about a woman who loses a leg in an accident, then gets dumped by her part of a fiancé, because he doesn’t think she’ll be able to “keep up” with him and his friends. Luckily there is a sexy amputee hospital volunteer on hand to show “victim” Lyn that her life is not over and a new world of sexual adventure awaits her. From the off, Sheri and Lyn are talking sex. Lyn moves in with Sheri and is introduced to a round of orgies involving amputee couples, and men who “dig” “amp chicks”. Lyn learns that most of Sheri’s friends make loads of money working for a “call girl” company that caters for guys who like having sex with women who are missing parts of their anatomy. Rather than finding her sex life over, suddenly every man Lyn meets is anxious to “ball” an amputee, and her liaisons are graphically displayed, over and over. The men are all well endowed and, indeed, engorged to even greater proportions by having an amputee in their clutches. Lyn gets a handsome insurance payout (she also beds the insurance broker) and buys a big car, and the close of the comic finds her being invited to an orgy by the car salesman. All liberating stuff. The message is not just that amputee women (is it OK to still call a person who has lost a limb an “amputee”?) still have a fulfilling sex life, rather that they have a better sex life than women who have


Publication Date
Sep 24, 2022
Comics & Graphic Novels
No Known Copyright (Public Domain)
By (author): Rich and Rene Jensen


Binding Type
Paperback Saddle Stitch
Interior Color
Comic Book (6.625 x 10.25 in / 168 x 260 mm)

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