Dive into the ultimate Bible knowledge revision with "His Word: Volume 1". This book is designed for readers who wish to deepen their understanding of the Old Testament in a practical and engaging way. Structured as a comprehensive Q&A format, it covers pivotal moments, figures, and lessons from the Bible, helping readers to:
Test their knowledge of the Old Testament through a variety of questions.
Learn significant biblical facts, including the stories of Adam and Eve, Noah, Abraham, and Moses.
Engage with the spiritual and moral lessons behind these biblical events.
Improve memory retention of important Bible passages through a structured quiz approach.
Strengthen their spiritual journey while having fun exploring historical accounts and theological teachings.
Perfect for Bible study groups, Sunday school teachers, or anyone looking to refresh their knowledge of the Old Testament, this volume is a handy resource for learning and teaching.
- Publication Date
- Oct 31, 2020
- Language
- English
- 9781716461897
- Category
- Religion & Spirituality
- Copyright
- All Rights Reserved - Standard Copyright License
- Contributors
- By (author): Rumi Michael Leigh
- Format
BibleOld TestamentBible quizBible studyChristianBiblical knowledgeScriptureAdam and EveCain and AbelFaith-based learningOld Testament figuresBiblical eventsStudy of GenesisReligious quizChristian literatureHoly BibleOld Testament studyOld Testament guideBible study toolBible reflectionsBible journeyBiblical insightsChurch educationQuiz bookChristian learningBible triviaReligious studyBible storiesBible factsChristian resourceBible lessonsChristian study guideBible charactersChristian educationChristian faithBible teachingsDevotionalSunday schoolBible questionsBible answersSpiritual growthChristianityPrayerBiblical historyTheologyReligious education