Deepen your understanding of the New Testament with HIS WORD Volume 2. This insightful book offers a unique approach to studying the Bible, designed to challenge and expand your knowledge through engaging questions and answers. Whether you're a seasoned Bible reader or just beginning your journey, this book will enrich your spiritual growth. Perfect for group discussions, individual reflection, or Bible study preparation.
Comprehensive Q&A format that covers key events and teachings of the New Testament.
Perfect for Bible study groups or personal study to strengthen your understanding of scripture.
Organized into 14 parts for easy navigation and focused learning.
Great tool for revision of major New Testament themes, characters, and stories.
Engaging and interactive—test your knowledge and learn new insights.
Join the journey and rediscover the teachings of the New Testament in a fresh and engaging way with HIS WORD Volume 2.
- Publication Date
- Oct 31, 2020
- Language
- English
- 9781716461866
- Category
- Religion & Spirituality
- Copyright
- All Rights Reserved - Standard Copyright License
- Contributors
- By (author): Rumi Michael Leigh
- Format
New TestamentBible studyChristian learningBible quizJesus teachingsBible triviaNew Testament questionsChristian bookSpiritual growthFaithGospelBiblical knowledgeBible answersBible lessonsNew Testament studiesScripture studyChristian faithChristian quizzesBiblical reflectionInteractive BibleBible factsReligious educationChristian resourcesFaith-based studyBible explorationBible challengesChristian discipleshipBible discipleshipReligious triviaBible passagesStudy guideChristian questionsNew Testament triviaChristian educationBible teachingBiblical revisionStudy the BibleBible Q&AChristian reflectionBible learningChristian lifeFaith guideBible-basedChristian knowledgeBible comprehensionNew Testament guideBible-based quizChristian wisdomBiblical teachingsJesus trivia