Gain a comprehensive understanding of tuberculosis through this insightful Q&A guide, designed to provide readers with key knowledge about the disease, its effects, and treatments. Whether you're a healthcare professional, student, or someone interested in global health issues, this book will help you grasp the basics of TB and its impact on individuals and communities.
Key Features:
Clear explanations: Learn about tuberculosis through concise questions and answers.
Comprehensive coverage: Understand symptoms, transmission, and the disease's effects on various organs.
Diagnosis and treatment: Explore diagnostic methods, such as X-rays and sputum tests, and learn about common TB medications.
Systemic impact: Discover how tuberculosis can affect the lungs, brain, bones, and other vital organs.
Latent vs. active tuberculosis: Gain insight into the differences between latent and active TB, and the importance of early detection and treatment.
Treatment challenges: Learn about the complications associated with tuberculosis treatment, including drug resistance and side effects.
This book is an essential resource for anyone looking to enhance their understanding of tuberculosis, its risks, and management.
- Publication Date
- Oct 31, 2020
- Language
- English
- 9781716461033
- Category
- Health & Fitness
- Copyright
- All Rights Reserved - Standard Copyright License
- Contributors
- By (author): Rumi Michael Leigh
- Format
TuberculosisTB symptomsPulmonary tuberculosisActive tuberculosisLatent tuberculosisTB treatmentTuberculosis diagnosisMycobacterium tuberculosisTB preventionTuberculosis awarenessTuberculosis infectionTB transmissionTuberculosis medicationTuberculosis testingTB blood testTuberculosis controlSystemic tuberculosisMiliary tuberculosisExtrapulmonary tuberculosisTB meningitisTuberculosis osteomyelitisTuberculosis risk factorsTuberculosis lungsTuberculosis treatment side effectsMultidrug-resistant tuberculosisTB infection controlTB isolationTuberculosis transmission preventionTuberculosis symptoms in adultsTB symptoms in childrenTuberculosis knowledgeTuberculosis questionsTuberculosis factsHow TB spreadsTuberculosis complicationsTB immune responseTB lymph nodesTuberculosis managementTB infection durationTB coughing symptomsTuberculosis healthcareTB knowledge baseTuberculosis clinical signsInfectious diseasesRespiratory infectionsTB culture testTuberculin skin testGlobal health