FREE E-BOOK, OR PRINTED BOOK VERSION (PRICED AT THE COST OF PRINTING ONLY). Join the quest to unravel Earth’s lost history. Accompany an ambitious and amusing fact-filled journey and learn about the cataclysm that ended the last ice age, the Biblical Flood, the survivors’ struggles and myths, and the events that have since shaped the world! Discover the ancient origins of astronomy, alchemy, religion, heresies, empires, wars, humanity’s historical amnesia, and the true causes of our world conditions. Uncover the real identity of Earth’s historic rulers, ancient gods, “God”, and the true nature of creation and its source. This ambitious odyssey of epic proportions explores all such perplexing enigmas. Mysteries, whose origins lie in remote antiquity. A forgotten…lost history of Earth.
- Publication Date
- Oct 1, 2011
- Language
- English
- Category
- Fiction
- Copyright
- All Rights Reserved - Standard Copyright License
- Contributors
- By (author): Siamak Akhavan
- Format