SCREENPLAY In this quirky and irreverent adult comedy Beauregard discovers that his wife Daisy is a vampire. She was made into one of the undead while attending Our Lady of the Pus-Filled Sores Catholic High School by none other than the head nun, Sister Mary Jerry Garcia. Ten years have passed and now Daisy is set to undergo her final transmorgification.
Daisy's strange behavior causes Beau to enlist the help of local psychiatrist Dr. Hans Peckerschmidt. The good doctor is a strange bird, indeed, but under hypnosis allows Beau to remember that fateful day at the hands, er, fangs of the evil nun.
With the dubious help of his best friend Earl, Beau attempts to save his wife. Taking off from their jobs at the Spotted Owl Nuclear Power Plant our intrepid duo tracks Daisy down at the school, where the ceremony is about to take place in the dead of night. Will they be in time? What about the flying saucers? And the lesbians? Ah, that is the question.
- Publication Date
- Nov 2, 2011
- Language
- English
- Category
- Fiction
- Copyright
- All Rights Reserved - Standard Copyright License
- Contributors
- By (author): Steve Adamczyk
- Format