I have published single poems before in anthologies, magazines and the poetry website, Secret Attic, as a competition finalist and prize winner.We all find love at some point on this life's road. In these poems, I explore this complex journey of feelings, emotions and hopes lived out between two shared souls. Each poem is a cove on loves myriad path, inviting the reader to come in and share its succulent sweetness and dark despair. I have tried to touch that nerve in each of us, in a way that is romantic but real, traditional yet modern. Some of these poems are sensual and erotic, but they all try to convey honest meaning and understanding. This is a journey of love found, lived, lost and found again. From pleasures peak to the wilderness and back. Love is the door we keep open inside and hope will never close, for to love and be loved, means we are not alone. Welcome and well met ~Strider~Love is a canvas furnished by Nature and embroidered by imagination~ Voltaire~
- Publication Date
- Sep 28, 2011
- Language
- English
- Category
- Poetry
- Copyright
- All Rights Reserved - Standard Copyright License
- Contributors
- By (author): Strider Marcus Jones
- Format