Damascus! One of the oldest cities of the earth, and one of the most beautiful; – the seat of power, and the store-house of vast wealth; – one of the gardens of the world, where prince and peasant alike shared the luxury of fruit and flower, and where art vied with nature in grand and pleasurable adornments. The Damascus of ages long since passed away. Horam the Childless was King of Damascus. He had passed the age of three-score. His hair and beard were white, and his once stalwart frame was bent and weak. But not age alone had bent the form of Horam. Trouble had touched him heavily; and to drown his trouble he had resorted to dissipation. Once noble and generous, he had now become irritable and unjust, and oftentimes cruel. Bowed and bent, in the evening of life, sat Horam upon the throne all alone; and he felt that his sceptre must pass to the hands of strangers. Within his palace were fifty wives; but no child! The fairest maidens of Damascus had been his by marital right; Persia, Armenia, and Greece had yielded their daughters to his arm; but within his palace there had yet appeared no heir to his throne...
- Publication Date
- Oct 3, 2021
- Language
- English
- Category
- Fiction
- Copyright
- No Known Copyright (Public Domain)
- Contributors
- By (author): Sylvanus Cobb
- Pages
- 144
- Binding Type
- Hardcover Case Wrap
- Interior Color
- Black & White
- Dimensions
- US Trade (6 x 9 in / 152 x 229 mm)