Upon graduation, Eve embarks on her journey into the world of Interior Design at the prestigious Signare Designs Studio. She is quickly befriended by her assistant, James, who becomes her guide in this exotic new world, when he’s not busy chasing after Signare’s beautiful interns. Eve’s static love life takes a turn as well, when she meets young movie director, Marc Staltz.
Marc helps her land one of Signare’s biggest clients, Hollywood’s royal couple, Kim and Timothy Reynolds, known by their fans as “Kimothy”. Meanwhile, Eve and her two oldest friends try not to drift apart as they each find their lives heading in different directions.
Eve’s own path is winding along nicely until, thanks to a misunderstanding involving the paparazzi, Marc walks out of Eve’s life and she is forced to overcome her fear of flying to get him back.
- Publication Date
- Sep 22, 2012
- Language
- English
- 9781300223092
- Category
- Fiction
- Copyright
- All Rights Reserved - Standard Copyright License
- Contributors
- By (author): Sylvia Wells
- Format