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Grief lobe

Grief lobe

ByThomas Stanton

Kane Wheelan has always lived by simple rules. Always take what you do seriously. Always finish what you started. He served two thousand nine hundred and seventy days in a ten-member ranger team. He had seen plenty of sin, evil, violence, pain, and death in his life. Yet he had no nightmares. Never, not once. He did his job, and he did what he had to do. He learned to live with his own decisions and the consequences of his actions. Wherever life took him, he always lived by the same simple rules. Never let anyone down. Never underestimate your opponent. And never give up the fight. He had his own silent demons, but only two of them followed him into civilian life, Timothy Orwell and Tommy „Thunder” Stanton. More than that, in the fifth year of his civilian life he gets even a chance to revenge Stanton's death. And he does. But he's about to meet a new demon. On the morning of a pleasant summer day, he sets off for Oyster Bay to visit Timothy Orwell's sister Cynthia. Cynthia's bled, stuffed, naked corpse is lying on a table in her own taxidermy workshop when he finds it. Her groin is covered by a sheet of paper printed with letters and numbers. When he promises to the old Orwell that he will find his daughter's killer, he has no idea that he will have to hunt down a serial killer obeying to rules dictated by the FBI. And in fact, there is no such thing as hunting. The killer does not even hesitate to tell them the location of the next murder, but they simply run from one victim to another. Then, unexpectedly, everything comes to light, and they realize that they don't have one killer, but two. They know all the answers, but they can't prove anything. But Kane Wheelan has always lived by simple rules. Always take what you do seriously, and always finish what you started. And he will.


Publication Date
Nov 16, 2023
All Rights Reserved - Standard Copyright License
By (author): Thomas Stanton



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