Red Pump Chronicles
130 Years of Northland Adventures
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Red Pump Chronicles, 130 years of Northland adventures, is the new, exciting collection of all four volumes of the Tales from the Red Pump series by Wisconsin author, Thomas Wayne King. Be inspired by and thrill to Tom's stories, songs, essays and poems of over a century of joys, loves, challenges and wild adventures in this rugged, western Lake Superior Northland of the U.S. and Canada. Tom writes of people, animals, events, weather, history and daily quirks that shape forest lives near the Red Pump in this pristine paradise.
Volumes included in King's portrayal of rural, northern life are:
1. Tales from the Red Pump
2. Sailor of the Sun
3. Neighborhood of Bears
4. Magic Snow Socks
- Publication Date
- Nov 4, 2020
- Language
- English
- 9781716505324
- Category
- History
- Copyright
- All Rights Reserved - Standard Copyright License
- Contributors
- By (author): Thomas Wayne King
- Pages
- 700
- Binding Type
- Paperback Perfect Bound
- Interior Color
- Black & White
- Dimensions
- US Trade (6 x 9 in / 152 x 229 mm)
NorthlandLake SuperiorruralnorthernWisconsinCivil WarSnowskiingsheepbearssquirrelspoetrynatureforestslakesstreamscampkinghikingresilient peopleweatherMorse codedogsiceskatingrinningwritingstormscomposingcurisoitytenacityproblem solvingfamilyScoutingNorth Country National Scenic TrailNational Ski PatrolMinnesotatranscending challenges