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Speed Reading Moster Course

Speed Reading Moster Course

ByWilliam Musoke

How to Double Your Reading Speed and Accelerate Your Learning Abilities to the Extreme! Did you know that some people can read more than a thousand words per minute as compared to an average college student who can only read between 250 and 350 wpm? That’s true! Well, You too can double your reading speed without the fear of not being able to understand the materials being read. Most People have to settle with slow reading speed that makes them finish a novel over a month, or worse, not being able to find what they are looking for in an academic textbook for an assignment in school before the due date. What they do not know is that, according to studies, the relationship between reading speed and comprehension is directly proportional to each other - an increase in rate entails an increase in comprehension. The Speed Reading Monster Course can help any one to accelerate their Reading and Learning abilities; it’s simple and takes only a few techniques to apply.


Publication Date
Sep 28, 2011
Education & Language
All Rights Reserved - Standard Copyright License
By (author): William Musoke



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