With the ever growing number of people engaging in daily meditation, it is necessary to have easy-to-follow meditation techniques which anybody can use in order to get in touch with one‟s inner-being. Likewise, there is a growing need for simple techniques among the ordinary people which they could readily use to just simply relax their mind and body as they face the grueling and monotonous daily tasks of life.
The world is not bereft of good meditation techniques. Anyone simply has to browse the net and look for the ideal technique which would readily suits one‟s meditation needs. One of these techniques is transcendental meditation which is one of the most popular meditation techniques in use right now throughout the world. This technique can be readily practiced daily by those who want to get in touch with the universal transcendental consciousness.
The name of the technique is derived from the word “transcendent” which is derived from the latin word “transcendere” which means to climb across. Transcendent in our modern idiom would simply mean “that which goes beyond.” Thus, etymologically, transcendental meditation means that the technique is designed to enable the mind to climb across or to go beyond its limits, and attune itself to the transcendent consciousness.
The first chapter of this book deals with the description of transcendental meditation. Likewise, the succeeding chapters discuss the benefits and step-by-step procedures on how to go about with transcendental meditation.
Additionally, in the fourth and last chapters, the usefulness of transcendental meditation on improving works and its effectiveness in enabling a person to conquer doubts and fear will be further discussed.
- Publication Date
- Mar 5, 2021
- Language
- English
- Category
- Religion & Spirituality
- Copyright
- All Rights Reserved - Standard Copyright License
- Contributors
- By (author): Xavier Dominick
- Format