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Prosper WISSA

WISSA Prosper Bienvenu Richard was born in Kinshasa, September 20, 1963. In childhood, he asked himself quickly questions concerning God and life. As a teenager, he found answers to his questions in the work of Abd-ru-shin "In the Light of the Truth" The Grail Message. This work became for him the shining light and staff of life. In his youth he was interested out of necessity in knowledge in many areas and out of curiosity in science in general. In adulthood, he traveled and interested out of love in different peoples, in their traditions, in their religions and in their languages ... and he became polyglot. After his formation as an engineer, he practiced as consultant in many sectors, from high technologies (intellectual knowledge) to the craft (manual knowledge) ... and he became polyvalent. At the age of 40, he feels urged to write "Knowledge of the Grail" for those who seek the light of the truth. Only in the light of the truth lie happiness and peace. MORE ON WWW.GRALSWISSEN.ORG