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Image of Author Todd Jackson

Todd Jackson

Welcome to the Nsane Photography page on Lulu where you will be able to purchase our Nsane Calendars! These projects have been in development for a long time and now we are proud to produce an Nsane Ford vs Chevy calendar for 2013 as well as the 2013 Nsane Garage Glam calendar. It may be the end of the world this year but be sure to get a copy of our calendar before that happens so you can see some amazing shots of hot cars and hotter girls. I am the CEO of Nsane Photography a Midwest based photography company that specializes in Model portfolio development and website content production. We are equal opportunity here at Nsane so we have sexy Models from all ethnic backgrounds for your viewing pleasure. Be sure to check out the Nsane family of websites at; and all of them are free so they are totally recession proof! Be sure to tell everyone you know to do the same, they will thank you later