Kat Scholes
When I was diagnosed with breast cancer at the age of 45, I decided, after a series of events, not to go down the traditional path of surgery and oncology. Instead, I opted for natural treatments. Through my own research, along with the guidance of a naturopath, I created my own regime... and it's been working for me. When I first began searching, I was looking for something like "Breast Kept Secrets" but was unable to find anything so I had to do my own research and put all the pieces together myself. That's when I began journaling. I was on a mission to eventually create a book that could help others who needed all this information in one place and believe me, when you've received a cancer diagnosis, there's always a sense of urgency. So that's how Breast Kept Secrets was born... and I'm proud to say that this little book is actually making a difference. BKS is also available directly through me. Just message me on Facebook (link above)