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Image of Author Dr. Franklyn Beckles

Dr. Franklyn Beckles

(Dr. Franklyn Victor Beckles, Jr.): Reality TV Star/Movie Actor, Firefighter. As the years passed, Oprah Winfrey & the National N.A.A.C.P., followed Dr. Franklyn V. Beckles, Jr.’s career and academic achievements, and many was quite elated when he became televised as a local hero, & a Civil Rights Activist. We are lucky to have Dr. Beckles lead our Community (As a known Civil Rights Leader & Children’s Advocate) in the pursuit of modern civil rights, a Private School Principal (who was also a great Public School Teacher), and Church Pastor of The New Life Church of God Ministries. He is a prospecting Board Member in District 2, for The Columbia County Board of Education (2018), and his brother is running for the District 7 Board of Education seat in Aiken, South Carolina!