Frank Coffman
Frank Coffman is a retired professor of college English, Creative Writing, and Journalism. He has published speculative poetry and fiction and scholarly research in a number of journals, magazines, anthologies, and collections. He is a member of the Horror Writers Association and the Science Fiction & Fantasy Poetry Association and founded and monitors the Weird Poets Society Facebook site. He is considered one of the foremost authorities on the poetry of Robert E. Howard. He has published three collections of verse: THE COVEN'S HORNBOOK & OTHER POEMS (2019), BLACK FLAMES AND GLEAMING SHADOWS (2020), and ECLIPSE OF THE MOON (2021). Also in 2021, he collaborated with his friend, fellow speculative poet, and "partner in rhyme," Steven Withrow on THE EXORCISED LYRIC (including two collaborative sonnet sequences and 20 individual poems from each). 2022 saw the publication of two short fiction collections: THREE AGAINST THE DARK: COLLECTED DR. VENN OCCULT DETECTIVE MYSTERIES [with masterful illustrations by the great Yves Tourigny] which in late 2023 will be followed by MAXIME MIRIS: 15 TALES OF THE WEIRD AND HORRIFIC. He is Editor & Publisher of Mind's Eye Publications™ which entity publishes collections, anthologies, chapbooks AND JOURN-E: THE JOURNAL OF IMAGINATIVE LITERATURE. Mind's Eye's web site is mindseye.us.com BUT will change over to mindseyepublications.com in the spring of 2023.