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Image of Author Tony Appleton

Tony Appleton

Writing is a hobby that one day I may like to turn into an occupation, but not just yet! On this page you are able to find all of my bodies of work spanning the last six years of my life. My stories are mainly travel based, and take in many wonderous locations such as Dublin, Edinburgh, Madrid, Barcelona, Ayia Napa and South America. The majority are trips with groups of friends, and are written in such a way that really only the people there on the trips can understand everything that happened. For the book titled 'Sixty One Days Away', I have changed tact, and written an extensive, detailed account on the time I spent travelling across South America between September and November 2010. My latest piece covers some of North America as my brother, dad and I visited Los Angeles, San Francisco and New York in 2012, and I visit Thailand in the summer of 2013 with a published book hopefully ready to purchase at the end of the year. Check them out. You'll like them.