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Image of Author Harry Dale Huffman

Harry Dale Huffman

Science today recognizes the world was remade (through a presumably long process of continental breakup, worldwide drift, and rejoining), incredible as that seemed a hundred years ago. "The End of the Mystery" establishes the even more astounding, and even surer, fact that the world was deliberately changed, to enable a great design. It is only the overwhelming scale of the design that has up to now stymied man's understanding, eluding even the finest modern scientific minds. The discovery of a great, world-encompassing design, confirmed alike by new, overwhelming physical facts about the Earth and by the universal ancient testimony, invalidates the presumption against design of the current scientific consensus, and enlightens both religion and science. We are in fact at the start of a new age of unprecedented, unified understanding, of the real history of the Earth and man. Harry Dale Huffman is an independent physical scientist, in physics and applied mathematics.