Jim Marquez
Jim Marquez has self-published 17 books here at LuLu in the past 15 years. His latest is "A Mexican-American in Paris: Beastly Tales Romping Across Pre-Covid Europe! The Writer’s Cut! Vol. 1”. The spirit of his work can be likened to that of Charles Bukowski, Hunter S. Thomson, & Henry Miller, but Jim has carved out a modern day Los Angeles pastiche all his own. 'The Beast', and now “Jimmy The Pen”, as Jim is known to those who love & despise him, has published numerous pieces in local & national magazines including "Citizen LA" (a monthly arts & cultural mag out of Downtown Los Angeles where he was senior writer & literary editor for 4 years), "Artillery", "Hispanic", "Modern Drunkard Magazine", "LA Weekly", "Gallery", "Fear", "Soma", LatinoLA.com, & "Gadfly". Jim can be reached for book news, readings, signings, and other tomfoolery, via the facebook, @ www.facebook.com/jimthebeastmarquez and Instagram @thebeastlywriter email: [email protected]