Enrique “Rico” Corneiro
Born and raised in the U.S. Virgin Islands, I am a sixth generation Virgin Islander. I was fortunate enough to have grown up surrounded by beautiful palm trees and white sand beaches. Throughout my life, I have traveled much of the world in search of the beauty and charm that each country has to offer. However, no matter where I go, I always seem to be drawn back to these three little "Virgin" islands that Columbus discovered back in 1493. My books entitled The Danish West Indies in Black and White, Rescuing Virgins, Runaway Virgins, Virgin Islands Storytellers, The Coal Women of St. Thomas, Passports from the Virgin Islands and The Legend of Cowfoot Woman & the Soldier Crab all help readers to learn about my beautiful Virgin Islands. As you flip through the pages of my books, I hope that you feel transported in time and distance into the tropics where calypso music can be heard off in the distance and the smell of fried fish and johnny cakes are in the air as you walk through the old towns filled with building from the 1800's. Please join me on a journey to the beautiful Virgin Islands.