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Image of Author Robert J. Parker, Sr.

Robert J. Parker, Sr.

Most of my books are written to inform Christians about, "Tithes, Offerings, Giving, and Receiving Money." Rather than helping Christian Leaders to become billionaires, we should be giving our money to needed Christians, widowers, the homeless, and orphans so that they too can live above the poverty level. Christian leaders have three primary obligations to God: To perfect the Saints. To do the work of the ministry. To edify the body of Christ, until we all arrive at being unified in faith and in the knowledge of Jesus, and until we all measure up to the high standards of helping people God's way. Ephesians 4:12 & 13 The law of liberty has set us free from the laws of Moses. The laws of Moses were given as a result of the children of Israel's unbelief, murmuring, complaining and rebelling when God instructed them to enter into the Canaan land as he had already promised Abraham, Isaac, and Jacob through Covenants and Prophecies. See my book "Promissory Covenants and Tithes!