Stewart Dunaway
Welcome to 2025 - I continue focusing on Florida research. The National Archives has a collection of MAPS and REPORTS pertaining to the 3rd Seminole Indian War - I have it now in BOOK FORM - indexed. THE ARMED OCCUPATION GRANT - APPLICATIONS - have now been published. These applications are full of 1842-43 land descriptions, anecdotal references, Indian related references (villages or towns) - and their applications include their personal status - at the time of their application (singe, married, divorced, widow etc.) IT TOOK FOUR volumes to complete the collection. Every book is indexed and there is a MASTER Index volume for references across this collection. I have completed 100-years worth of Orange and Lake County (Florida) Plat Books. These books begin in the 1870s covering Orange, Lake, Seminole, and Osceola Counties. I have downloaded the plats, cut them into smaller images (if required) and then annotated the information on them. Indexed them and ADDED modern maps if it helps location the supposed town etc. I have completed all the Spanish Land Grants (claims) of Florida by surname. NO ONE has provided land research to the level I have - for these records. Now you will be able to use a detailed index, database sorts, and a detailed Table of Contents for an in depth review of these early Florida residents. I also published a master index book - which is a compilation of all 8-volumes - indexes - into one. QUESTIONS EMAIL ME - [email protected]