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Z .

Skye Publishing Company was born in 1995. The primary author, Claire Branand, and one other author known mysteriously as "Z" are the sole proprietors and writers at Skye. Branand began her career in advertising as an Art Director at Macy's in New York City. She is a Dean's List graduate of The New School. After working with several ad agencies in Washington, D.C., she opened her own firm in 1978 servicing small businesses. During that time she had a bi-line with the Sentinel Newspapers and has written many magazine articles. Her talents include: graphics, logo design and radio/print media campaigns. She is mentioned in Who's Who in America, and Pesonalities of America. During the mid-nineties Branand began to concentrate on writing. Her first book was: "OVERBOARD! A Provocative History of the U.S.S. J.P. Kennedy, Jr.", followed by: "HERE'S TO YOUR HEALTH! Cooking With Red Wine". She collaborated with Z on "GETTING OFF" By Z and recently finished "The Butterfly..."