Habiballa Abakar Mohamed Ahmed
Habiballa Abakar Mohamed Ahmed Sudanese Artist Exhibition: Frensh Cultrual (1986)- (Kahrtoum The National Council for Literature and the Arts 1990)- ( Malta Valitta - Natural History Museum 1992)-( Germaney - Limburg Pismarkrey 1993)- ( Germaney - Wisbaden 1994) Envention: Electronic computer pen 1995 - Cancer Deasese in not a virus deseas its our body cells Control less 1995) - My Theory Light its the magentic field any more movment for this Magentic field can prduce all kinds of energy - Dimount and transperent metaril it is not transperent - Gravetiy its in all direction explain what gravetity was - No color color is our brain reception - Nathing call DNA but the pressure for cells can give us what we want format shape so you can by press the cells to be what you want - All Insects from one famliy but getin improvement beacus not full control cells spiltis for this reson any time we se new producting of Insects وinfintive kinds of insects - Descovered some Grassy Drugs Rheumatic bo