Andrea Falk
Andrea Falk has trained the Chinese martial arts since 1972. She won a scholarship to study in Beijing, and spent three years at the Beijing Institute of Physical Culture, training and studying martial arts from 1980 to 1983. Since returning to Canada in 1984, she has taught the traditional Chinese martial arts. She teaches across Canada and in the UK. She had translated a few works for her students, but in 2000 decided to translate and publish, to bring more books from the Chinese into English. So far, she has translated Li Tianji's The Skill of Xingyiquan, Jiang Rongqiao's Baguazhang, Yan Dehua's Bagua Applications, Di Guoyong on Xingyiquan, and Zhang Wenguang’s Chadian. She has also written Falk's Dictionary of Chinese Martial Arts and A Shadow on Fallen Blossoms: The 36 and 48 Traditional Verses of Baguazhang, plus two memoirs - Beijing Bittersweet and Shadowboxing in Shanghai.