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Image of Author Jim Whitefield

Jim Whitefield

Converted to the Mormon Church in 1960 at age fourteen, after forty-three years of clinging to that faith, Jim resigned membership in 2003 for no other reason than he could no longer hold to belief in God. He never considered why the Mormon Church was not true and assumed Joseph Smith to have been a good, albeit deluded man. Three years later, quite by accident, Jim stumbled across early Mormon polyandry which Church leaders then confirmed was and is contrary to Mormon doctrine. Yet Jim had discovered evidence that early leaders married women who had living husbands. This led to further research and Jim discovered more and more Mormon lies. He somehow had to face and accept and then deal with the fact that Smith was a fraud who deliberately created a hoax. Every aspect Jim looked at was demonstrably not true. Writing has been his therapy, resulting in ‘The Mormon Delusion’ series. More recently, after rereading the Bible, Jim published another book - 'The Bible Delusion'.