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Image of Author W. James Duke

W. James Duke

WJ Duke was born on July 4th after the war. He is the United States of America, almost literally. So was Satchmo; most assuredly. As such, he has devoted his life to spirituality, and has tried to undo the damage resulting from the early suffering of his life in Vermont. He has studied at various public universities in Vermont, NY, and the mid-west and was admitted to Stanford University graduate school. He found graduate education and education generally, to be lacking in many ways and started a school in the early 80's. It survives today as a shell. It is hard to change the education system, even though it is painfully obvious to many that it is sick and dying. He learned just how hard it is – in his case, as a response to his innovative and courageous school, the state of Iowa changed its laws to make it even more difficult. Such are the actions of ignorant humans.