A magical, enchanting tale about the excitement of being young, the thrill of being adventurous and the imperishable bond of family. Bella is a young girl whose life is turned upside down by Captain Greed, a pirate whose love of gold has tuned him mad. When Greed captures her mother, Bella must use her wit and cunning to rescue her. Then her fantastic adventure really begins...
A rich, fantastical tale which will enchant boys and girls alike, Captain Kindness is an exciting story about the love we all need in our lives and the importance of keeping a generous heart even in the hardest of times.
- Publication Date
- Sep 27, 2022
- Language
- English
- 9781915660169
- Category
- Children's
- Copyright
- All Rights Reserved - Standard Copyright License
- Contributors
- By (author): Alex Mair
- Format