This is the first book in a series by award-winning columnist Barbara White, who describes herself as an insignificant person following a magnificent Savior; a weak person following a powerful God; a pilgrim following the road Home. She admits being a sinful person on the receiving end of incredible grace. She says, “I write about trying to live the Christian life and failing and trying again”. Her modest yet strong newspaper columns influenced thousands of readers as they followed her struggles and joys along the way; in her spiritual journey, they see their own. Readers from all walks of life and every religious persuasion identify with the transparent reality of her life and writing as they seek their own spiritual depth. Join her in her journey along the way; she’s headed toward someplace we all want to go.
- Publication Date
- Oct 2, 2011
- Language
- English
- Category
- Religion & Spirituality
- Copyright
- All Rights Reserved - Standard Copyright License
- Contributors
- By (author): Barbara White
- Format