The tale begins with Adam Arbor, a former college football player who had always identified with his size, being brutally beaten by an old mysterious man named Shane Tavaar. It is in the excitement of that combat that a story unfolds of the wondrous effect of the relationship between a student and teacher. As Shane Tavaar says, “Don't be under the illusion that I was here accidentally.” As a reader, don’t be under the illusion that this tome has made it your hands or eyes accidentally. Lessons learned in this world can be brutal at times, as it was for Adam Arbor. Or, they can be handed down more gently from those who experienced them bravely. It is the intent of this tale to gently pass the brutal lessons from those who have experienced them, onto you.
- Publication Date
- Jan 21, 2011
- Language
- English
- 9780557854592
- Category
- Business & Economics
- Copyright
- All Rights Reserved - Standard Copyright License
- Contributors
- By (author): Ken Doyle
- Format